Make America great again??? She is already great by every measure that matters. She is humanity’s greatest social experiment despite her many shortcomings and countless trials and errors. She was great. She is great and will be for a long time to come. If your mind is filled with nostalgia for the past, romanticizing eras gone by, you are looking in the wrong direction, brothers and sisters. What was is gone, and it is never coming back. I promise you She will be a high-tech, fusion-powered, and space-faring economy long before this century ends. The brainpower of this nation and the technologies emerging at an ever-faster rate are simply mind-blowing. It is up to us. It is doubtful that salvation will come from our gods. They are all dead in the wastebasket of mythology. The conscious, live universe is watching to see if the children of the sun will choose the path of reason or extinction. We must look forward, integrate upcoming technologies, and drive towards equilibrium with the biosphere. Fear will cause us to use the bones of this dying world to prop up the old ways that no longer serve us. I mount this flag in admiration for my adopted home, and I love this country with all my heart. Embrace reason, question everything, and don’t be afraid to doubt; God loves doubters. My favorite apostle, Thomas, doubted Christ’s resurrection, yet when he was proven wrong, Christ allowed only Thoams to touch him before ascending to heaven; what does that tell you? And, most importantly, do not fall victim to someone else’s narrative. I say make sculptures, work out, and fear nothing; it’s all One. This is the greatest time to be alive, and the best is yet to come.